Saturday 12 April 2014

The Power of Prayer

Prayer is such a powerful force. We underestimate it so much. Prayer can move mountains if only we would let it. If only you would realise just how powerful prayer can be, you would never feel hopeless.
I talk and ask the angels to help; I ask angels to intercede but I don’t pray to them. I pray only to God. Prayer is direct communication with God.
No one ever prays alone. When you pray to God there is a multitude of angels of prayer there, praying with you, regardless of your religious faith or how you are behaving. They are there enhancing your prayer, interceding on your behalf and imploring God to grant your prayer. Every time you pray, even if it is only one word, the angels of prayer are like a never-ending stream, flowing at tremendous speed to Heaven with your prayers.
Nothing is too trivial … or too big to pray for either. Sometimes, we get overwhelmed by a situation such as a war or a famine and feel we can do nothing to help. We can. We can pray. When we are moved by something we see on the TV news or read about in a newspaper we should say a prayer..
When you hear an ambulance or walk past a hospital, say a quick prayer for whoever is sick and for those who are caring for them. When you see someone in difficulties on the street, say a prayer for them. We all need to expand our circle of prayers out from ourselves, our family and friends. You are being called upon to pray for other people – including people in the world whom you have never met.
I believe that each and every one of you has been demonstrated the power of prayer in your own life. Think about it!

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