In the 1920s, Joseph Baermann Strauss dreamed of constructing a bridge that would span the Golden Gate strait—the narrow, turbulent channel where the Pacific Ocean and the San Francisco Bay meet. His skeptical peers believed that such a bridge could never be built. They believed that engineering challenges and enormous building costs made this dream impossible to achieve.
But this determined engineer didn’t allow the opinions of people or the nearly insurmountable construction challenges rob him of his dream. Sixteen years after he submitted preliminary sketches to San Francisco’s city engineer, the Golden Gate Bridge finally opened for traffic.
Joseph Strauss had what I call “possibility faith.”
You may be asking, “What is that?” Possibility faith knows beyond a shadow of a doubt that any adversity can be overcome and any dream can be achieved.
Possibility faith is based on the following scriptures.
LUKE 18:27
27 The things which are impossible with men are possible with God.
LUKE 1:37
37 For with God nothing shall be impossible.
Possibility faith is a faith that believes in your heart, says with your mouth, and receives what you believe in your heart (Rom. 10:9–10). You may be thinking, Well, Rev. Hagin, that’s easy for you to say, but my faith isn’t as strong as yours.
Let me show you how to turn what may look like an impossible situation around. It’s not as difficult as you may think!
In Mark 11:22, Jesus told His disciples to “. . . Have faith in God.” The Worrell New Testament translates this verse as “Have the faith of God.” In other words, it’s saying, “Have the God-kind of faith.”
If you have been born again, as a child of God, you have become a member of God’s family through the redemptive work that Jesus completed on the Cross of Calvary. You are now a joint-heir with Christ (Rom. 8:17.) We see in Romans 12:3 that “. . . God hath dealt to every man the measure of faith.” So, you see, you have been given the same kind of possibility faith that God has!
Now it’s up to you to develop, or strengthen, that faith. Just as you have to eat every day so that your physical body is strengthened, you must also “eat” spiritual food. This is done by reading and meditating on Scripture every day. You can’t read your Bible once a month or pick it up when a crisis happens and expect your faith to be strong.
I recommend that you have a time of prayer and Bible reading before you leave your house every morning. And from your Bible reading, take one scripture and mull it over in your mind all day long. Quote it every time you get a chance. Think about that verse until it becomes so strong in your heart that if something happens that is contrary to it, you simply can’t accept it. Why? Because your thoughts immediately turn to the Word of God, and you accept only the Word as your final authority.
For instance, let’s say you’re meditating on First Peter 2:24, which says, “Who his own self bare our sins in his own body on the tree, that we, being dead to sins, should live unto righteousness: by whose stripes ye were healed.” You’ve thought about this verse and meditated on it for such a long time that if a doctor gives you a bad report, your first thought is No. That sickness is contrary to the Word of God. Jesus paid the price for ALL diseases when He died on the Cross. I’m not going to accept the doctor’s report. I’m going to stand on God’s Word until healing comes to pass in my life.
Then when you speak what God’s Word says about healing, it’s more real to you than any pain or symptom you feel in your body. As you continue to confess healing scriptures, you will see the manifestation of your healing.
Unfortunately, too many people speak God’s Word before it has grown big on the inside of them, and they expect that to work for them. This is what I call “head” faith. They’ve heard what the Bible says about something, and they believe it superficially. But when their body begins to hurt or they encounter adversity, instead of speaking God’s Word, they speak what they feel or see. They need to continue to say what God’s Word says until that Word gets down in their spirit and a living faith arises in their heart.
I believe all Christians fall into three categories of faith. I can usually talk with somebody for just a few minutes and know which category he falls in.
1. The “excited faith” people.
These people are caught up in the inspiration of the moment. They’ve heard a good sermon and are excited about what God can do. But they don’t have any Word in their heart, so their faith never produces anything.
2. The undecided people.
Although these people know what the Word of God says, they give more weight to the pain in their body or to their circumstances. They’ll make a faith confession one minute but are quickly snared by the words of their mouths by speaking how they feel the next minute (Prov. 6:2).
3. The “positive confession” people.
These are the people who have possibility faith! They’ve taken the time to meditate on the Word of God until it has become more real to them than how they feel or what they see. While they acknowledge that their body hurts, for example, they acknowledge that the Word of God is a higher authority. No matter how bad they may feel or what the circumstances, they continually confess Scripture. They are not moved by what they feel or see but firmly stand on what God has said. As a result, it’s not long before their healing—their answer—manifests.
In our home, believing God is a way of life. There are times when I will purposely use my faith to get something even though I may have the money to pay for it. Instead of using money from my checking account, I’ll wait until God provides it. That way, I’m constantly developing my faith. Then when I face what seems to be an impossible situation, I’m at my best. And I’m ready to conquer the impossibility with possibility faith!
Too many people wait until they are diagnosed with cancer or some other terminal disease before they start filling their hearts with healing scriptures. You can compare that to trying to put a roof on a house during a storm! It can be done, but it’s going to be tough. That’s why you need to start developing faith for healing, for example, when you’re feeling fine and not facing a challenge.
Don’t wait until a crisis happens to develop possibility faith. Continually spend time reading, meditating, and confessing the Word. When you do, it won’t matter what comes your way, your faith will turn impossibilities into possibilities!
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