Thursday 21 May 2015


Posted: 2015-05-11 14:02:21
Divine Favour is only the reality of those walking in the Supernatural.

They may have been mocking you for many years. But multiple levels of favour is setting you free – Ps 105:20

This favour will result in miracle jobs, miracle marriages, miracle promotions, miracle children, miracle liftings, etc.

Discovery is key to Mastery. You are just one discovery away from becoming Master over your challenges.

A “god” can end up dying like men (or a common man) without a discovery – Ps 82:6, John 10:34

Ability will never equal reality until there is a discovery of who you truly are.

However, the only authentic source of discovery is the Word of God – James 1:25

Never you allow anyone, any circumstance, any situation, or even the devil tell you who you are.

Jesus was referred to as “the carpenters son/ the carpenter” before He discovered who He was. But after He discovered who He was, He was referred to as “the Master.”- Matt. 13:55, Mark 6:3, Luke 17:13

Coincidentally, Satan only recognizes those who have discovered who they are. In other words, recognition is a function of discovery. – Acts 19:15

When Moses discovered who He was and what He carried – the rod, no protocol of Pharaoh could stop or intimidate him. – Exo.7:1, Exo. 4:17

So, there is who you are and there is what you carry.

When you go into the mirror of the Word, it reveals – James 1:25
- Who you are
- What you carry
-  What you have
-  Where you are from
-  What you can do

But who am I?
-  I am seated with Christ in Heavenly places far above all principalities and powers– Eph. 2:6/ Eph. 1:20-21. Heaven is the seat of Dominion and Authority.
-  I have been translated from the kingdom of darkness to the kingdom of light – Col. 1:13/ Rom. 16:20. In the realm of darkness is where bondages and oppressions exist.
-  I am redeemed a spirit being in human flesh – Jn. 3:5/ Acts 14:11. Your content is different from your container.
- I am redeemed an overcomer – 1Jn. 5:4. In Christ, you belong to a family of Overcomers. Defeat is foreign where you are from.
-  I am redeemed to be ‘more than a conqueror’ – Jn. 16:33/ Rom. 8:35-38. The one who has overcomed is your Father and has made you an overcomer.
-  I am redeemed to operate in the realm of unlimited possibilities – Jn. 14:12/ Phil.4:13. You are redeemed to operate in a world of “all possibilities.”

Man: A Three-In-One Creature - 1Thess. 5:23
First, we must understand that man is a Three-in-one Creature. Man is essentially a Spirit, he has a Soul and he lives in a Body.

Man lives within a particular structure called the body – 1Cor. 15:38-39/44

His Soul comprises of his Will, his Emotions and his Intellect.

His Spirit is the ‘God-being’ on the inside of his human being.

It is that ‘God being’ that died in man in the first Adam.

But the second Adam (Jesus Christ) came to restore that ‘dead man’ back to life. And this is what we call being ‘Born Again’ – Jn. 3:1-5

When that ‘God being’ was in the first Adam, he operated absolutely in the supernatural.

Look at how Adam named all the animals. It means he went into the sea and he said, “You shall be shark, whale, sea lion, etc.” He went into the air as a “spirit-craft” and named the Eagle. He went into the farm and saw an animal. He called it “Goat” knowing the Name God will have called it. – Gen. 2:19

–      Through exercise of our conscience unto good works

Exercising our conscience to be void of offence – Acts 24:16/ 1Tim 1:19 / 1Tim 3:9

We must give no place to the devil – Eph. 4:27

To be offended is no excuse to have offense. If you allow your conscience to die, except by mercy, you are finished!

The conscience is a major requirement to operate in the supernatural.

–      Through the exercise of Prayer and Fasting
Prayer is a spiritual platform from which we go from strength to strength  – Heb. 4:16/ Ps 84:7

Prayer and fasting is a spiritual requirement through which we build our spiritual muscles– Is 58:6-12/ Lk 4:14/ Lk 22:44

We don’t just pray to get things; we pray to gain command over things – Pro 24:10

–      Through exercise of our conscience unto good works

Exercising our conscience to be void of offence – Acts 24:16/ 1Tim 1:19 / 1Tim 3:9

Your conscience must be well guarded!  

We must give no place to the devil – Eph. 4:27

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