Monday 15 June 2015


The earnest (heartfelt, continued) prayer of a righteous man makes tremendous power available [dynamic in its working].”
-James 5:16 (AMP)-
Just when it seems all hope is lost; that there’s no way for that marriage to survive, that every formerly door to love now is closed and what your spouse has done now is unforgiveable, pause. Rethink. Is it really impossible for you to forgive and move on? (Note that this does not include cases where you believe your life is at risk.) Marriage they say is a union of two forgivers, not minding who forgives the most.
“It’s hard,” you may say; especially when the other party has really wronged you. However, it becomes easier when it is done on your knees. Yes, in prayers. Prayer has a way of melting and changing even the hardest of hearts because the Bible says the heart of a king is in God’s hands and He turns it where He pleases. Also, your husband or wife is not the “bad person” you have envisioned, but the culprit is the devil.
When you pray, you take authority over your marriage and tell the devil to get his hands off your family. Remember, as you resist the devil with authority, he flees. But there is a prerequisite to this though; it must be done with a heart of forgiveness and love. The Bible says if you bring a gift to the altar and remember an offence against your brother, go first to make amends.
That shows the place of forgiveness! That nagging, cruel or rude husband or wife can change to a loving, caring and peaceful spouse, if only you choose to forgive and present your case to God in prayers. Forgiveness makes your prayers effective and ensures prompt answers. So, before you completely shut that door, apply one more push and make it hard for the devil to crumble the walls of your marriage. You will not fail in the mighty name of Jesus Christ!
Remain Blessed!

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