Monday 30 May 2016

Declaring ‘Operation Possess the Land

Declaring ‘Operation Possess the Land’
Date (May 28th, 2016)

From Glory to Glory greetings to you in Jesus’ name.
As prophetically declared on several occasions, the year 2016 demands personal responsibility on the part of every winner for maximum delivery.
All of the strange acts of God in our midst in terms of quantum-leaps order of testimonies since the year began have been as a result of people taking personal responsibility in kingdom-advancement endeavours.
Indeed, to see what one has never seen, one must be willing to do what he has never done before. This is because, “God is not mocked, whatever a man sows that also shall he reap” – Gal. 6:7
Recently, we received two testimonies that emphasize ‘on a particular day’. These two individuals took ‘particular’ steps ‘on a particular day’ that resulted in strange order of quantum-leap testimonies.
One, Philemon C. O. wrote in his testimony, I thought I understood Matthew 6:33 until I became a member of Winners’ family when I was invited by a sister 30 days agoI started reaching out to souls with a joyful heart, distributing tracts and fliers on the streets, express ways, in buses, bus-stops, in the tri-cycles, and everywhere I find myself. On a particular day, I got engaged in outreach with my partner and within 1hour 30minutes, we were able to reach out to twenty-one souls, we prayed earnestly for each of them, mentioning their names for God to visit them one by one… Before I knew it, God manifested Himself the next day in my life and business. I got a contract, worth millions of naira without struggling…Also, the growth on my toe that has been causing me pains for the past 7 years vanished suddenly. I have indeed seen the God of Wonder-Double in this Prophetic Season.”
Another one, Daniel Babatunde testified, “I believed God for a change of job… On a particular day, I shared tracts for almost five hours and covered two local government areas… On the third day, I was invited for an interview and I resumed in that organization on September 1, 2015… Surprisingly, on the third day, I was promoted. That day, the director of the organization then invited me to be part of the panel that interviewed potential employees. That was how I, who was previously looking for a job, began to interview people. I give God all the glory!”

It is what we ‘input’ into a day that makes it ‘a particular day’.
As diversely enumerated in the 2016 Winners’ Personalized Prophetic Declaration, the year 2016 is a year of unlimited opportunities for every winner who will genuinely commit to kingdom-advancement endeavours.
Therefore, following the above and by the prompting of the Holy Ghost, a month-long platform for mass harvest of souls tagged ‘Operation Possess the Land’ is hereby flagged off to run between Monday, 30th May to Sunday, 26th June 2016.
Every winner who cares to take advantage of this prophetic season is sure to return with his/her quantum-leap testimonies on or before the 26th of June, 2016.
One of our members, here in Lagos, testified how she experienced six quantum leaps within two weeks in the first quarter of this year. Truly, with God, nothing shall be impossible – Mk. 10:27.
Remember, every divine purpose delivers on pursuit. A vision not pursued is a vision lost just as a seed not sown is a harvest lost. It is pursuit that gives real value to every vision, as no divine plan or purpose shall ever be accomplished without pursuit.
Therefore, every winner is to set aside ‘particular days’ for particular dimensions of engagement with kingdom-advancement endeavours all through this prophetic season of ‘Operation Possess the Land’.
Every winner should also set special times aside daily for praying kingdom-advancement prayers and have a well-defined target of the number of souls each one of us desires to see saved and established in church in this prophetic season.
In the same vein, every local assembly is required to specify its church growth target by the end of this operation, come June 26, 2016.
Furthermore and to facilitate the supernatural delivery of this operation, among others, a 7-day fast is hereby proclaimed throughout all our church network from Monday, 30th of May to Sunday, 5th of June 2016.
To this end, there shall be daily prayer meetings as our custom is, from Monday all through to Friday, where we shall break our fast with the communion. This also includes our Saturday WSF meeting.
May every winner receive grace to be a full partaker of this prophetic season of signs and wonders.
From Glory to Glory – That’s where we are all going!

Remain ever blessed!
Jesus is Lord!
David O. Oyedepo

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