Tuesday 16 February 2016

Supernatural Business Breakthrough!

“For some time, our business was stagnated and we were seriously indebted. We prayed over and over again for God to intervene but the situation grew worse, in spite of the fact that we engaged in personal and corporate tithing.
When the Midst of the Year season started, Bishop Oyedepo said that if this Midst of the Year comes and goes just like that without our change of story, then we would have ourselves to blame.
I got angry in my spirit and decided to engage seriously in Kingdom advancement with the whole of my being. So, my wife and I started praying rigorously for the advancement of the Kingdom of God and l was all out with my wife advertising Jesus everywhere we find ourselves. It became a serious business for us, we enjoyed it and God started giving us souls for the Kingdom daily.
On the last day of the Wonder-Double prophetic agenda season, the God of last minute intervention showed up! A sister called from Atlanta that another sister and herself had teamed up to sow into our business. Money was paid directly from the U.S into the account of some of the organizations we deal with. Meanwhile, we were known by those organizations to always buy our raw materials, which we use for production, in small quantities. However, our raw material requests and purchases this time turned us into “Super Stars” in the organizations. The Wonder-Double God indeed showed up in our business. We give Him all the glory!”
—Mr. & Mrs. Olawole, O

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