Friday 5 February 2016

Testimony -Divine Protection!

Before now, I was a Muslim and I stayed in Cameroon until my uncle brought me to Nigeria to work with him. When I came, I began to interact with Christians.
In September 2015, I was invited to this Church and I gave my life to Christ. However, my uncle was not happy with me. So, he decided to kill me. During the Sallah Festival, my uncle called me to eat the food he had prepared for me. On getting there, I saw his daughter eating the food. Initially, I got angry and was about to beat the girl; but she suddenly began to vomit blood until she died. I, immediately, invited her father to witness what had happened.
When he came out of his bedroom, he carried a bowl of battery water and claimed that I poisoned his daughter’s food with it. Thereafter, the Ikeja police station was contacted and I was arrested. However, I believed that the God of this Commission would deliver me.
Surprisingly, my uncle’s wife came to the police station to confess that her husband poisoned the food, which her daughter accidentally ate, to kill me because of my newly found faith. That was how the God of this Commission delivered me. I give Him all the glory!” —Emmanuel Ibrahim Bello

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