Saturday 3 December 2016

Faith Food Devotional

He Delivers

December 3, 2016
"Because he [the believer] hath set his love upon me [God], therefore will I deliver him..." (Ps. 91:14).

"I will," or "I shall" is the strongest assertion that can be made in the English language. And in the last part of Psalm 91, there are seven things this God who is more than enough says He will do for the person who has set his love upon Him. (Thank God, I've set my love upon Him - have you?)

Notice that God didn't say, "I may do it," or "If I don't run out of energy, I'll do it. If My power doesn't wane, I'll do it." No! He is the All-Sufficient One, and He said, "I will do it."

First, God said, "I will deliver them...." This God who is more than enough is a delivering God. He kept His Word with Abraham, and delivered Israel - and He's still the Deliverer today.

Our God is not the oppressor; He is the Deliverer! Acts 10:38 makes that clear. Satan is the oppressor of mankind - but Jesus is our Deliverer!

Confession: I have set my love upon God; therefore, He delivers me. He is a delivering God. And God is more than enough. He will never run out of energy. He will never run out of power. God will do all that He has said He will do. He's the All-Sufficient One, and He WILL do it! 

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