Wednesday 11 January 2017

Covenant Gateway to Financial Fortune

Light is your greatest asset in the kingdom.

We are empowered by the revelation of the Covenant to walk in financial fortune. You need a sound understanding of the workings of the Covenant. Understanding of the covenant stabilizes your walk with God. You need a revelation of the covenant to gain command. There is no generation without economic breakdown. There is no year without dry season.

Fact: Financial fortune is God’s plan for his people. Job 22: 21-27

Definition of Financial fortune: To lay up gold as dust.

Financial fortune is real and the revelation of the covenant is the gateway to it.
Gen 12: 1-3 Every Child of God is a spiritual Isaac. We are seeds of Abraham.
Gal. 4: 28 God is not against wealth.
II Cor. 8:9 It is spiritual ignorance that makes Christians to embrace poverty.
Jesus became poor only on the cross, so that we through his poverty might become rich.
Rom. 1:16 Acts 20:32 John 1:12 Luke 5:17 Deut. 8:18

Prosperity is not a promise, it is a COVENANT.

It does not answer to prayers. You have to Obey the terms of the covenant in order to prosper.

What is the Covenant of Prosperity?  
Answer: Gen. 8:22
Seed time is the trigger for harvest time.

Catch Phrase: Seed time and harvest time.

Jer. 33: 20-25 Every time you see the rising of the sun and the setting of the moon, it is a proof that the covenant of seed time and harvest time remains in force. As long as this earth remains, seed time and harvest time shall not cease.

I Cor. 2:9
II Cor. 8:8 You must Give to prove the sincerity of your love for God.
Giving is a biblical way of proving the sincerity of your love.
John 3: 16 God so loved and so gave.
If you so love then you so give.

There are Principles of the law of giving.
No. 1 principle is that iniquity must be laid aside Job 22:23-24 (... if thou return to the Almighty)
Godliness is the sure foundation for supernatural wealth.

What is a Covenant?
Answer: It can be defined as a deal enacted by God based on well defined terms and sealed with an oath. Heb 6: 12-18

Note: Your seed is not a financial donation but spiritual transactions for provoking God’s integrity for making good his promise which he made a covenant with us.

Conditions of Giving

1)      We must give in righteousness (Mal. 3: 3-4) so it can be acceptable. (Analogy: Until the earth receives your seed, it cannot produce)
2)      We must give in love. I Cor. 3:3-13
3)      We must give cheerfully. Prov. 28:27
4)      We must give willingly. II Cor. 8:12, I Cor. 9:17, Exo. 35:4,16,22
5)      We must give in Faith. Heb. 11:4-6 (Whatever is not of faith is dead. When you give without faith, your seed is dead)
6)      One must be hard-working. Prov. 6:9-11 (Tireless working, creative working. Work is what validates your faith. Prov. 13:4, Prov. 20:4). Whatever your hand findeth to do, do it with all thy might. Prov. 18:9
7)      One must not be wasteful. Luke 15:11-14 (You must wage a continuous war against waste)
8)      God will never bless anyone beyond his capacity to be a blessing. Job 29:4-18 (Analogy: God’s servant reminded us of an elephant he saw at a zoo once, which ate 140 pounds of food and excreted 100 pounds of waste every day. This elephant waste is viable manure for plants. So, if the elephant ever tried to retain more than 40 pounds of food in it’s system, it would surely fall sick and die. You must be a blessing for God to bless you.)

It takes grace to give and there is a power to give. II Cor. 8:3-4, II Cor. 8:7, John 10: 18

Fringe benefits of Giving

1)      Divine health
2)      Divine Protection
3)      Divine favour
4)      Divine ideas
5)      Aversion of curses and Plagues, and so much more.


1)      God will not bless the ungodly.
2)      God will not prosper the unfaithful
3)      God will not prosper the waster
4)      God will not bless the idle
5)      God will always bless the labourer.

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