Tuesday 3 January 2017


Understanding of the size of God is the cheapest way to deal with the devil.
When you comprehend who God is, you will appreciate His ability and in the process satan becomes depreciated in your eyes.
That was David’s approach in dealing with Goliath. 1 Sam.17:32-50
While others were busy describing the size of goliath David was busy focusing on the almightiness of God. Deut.20:1-4
In the process Goliath had turned to a dwarf in the sight of David.
When the size of men appear to threaten you, turn your back to them and face God.
And as you behold Him the opposition will diminish and disappear into the thin air.
Those who see God don’t fear men.
Those who know God don’t seek men. Dan.11:32; Ps.27:1-5
When you discover the strength of God you no longer mind the threat of satan.
Rather than struggling with satan strife to know God more.
Joshua and Caleb used this approach to enter the promised land. Num.13:30 (20)

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