Tuesday 31 January 2017


"For we which have believed do enter into rest" (Heb. 4:3). 

Through the years, I've had the greatest time putting the Lord to work for me - just letting Him do the work. 

Since I learned about faith and that the Bible said, "we which have believed do enter into rest." I have been in a state of rest. 

Grasp what this scripture says! It doesn't say that we have entered into a state of fearing, fretting, griping, worrying, or fighting. No! It says we have entered into rest. 

I haven't seen a "battle" in more than 65 years. When someone asks me, "How goes the battle?" I always answer, "The victory is wonderful!" There isn't any battle. I'm in the victory. Faith always has a good report! 

Confession: I have believed. I am a believing one. Therefore, I have entered into rest. I am in a state of rest. I act like I am in a state of rest. I do not fear or fret. I do not worry. I do not gripe. I do not battle. The battle is the Lord's. The victory is mine. I am in the victory. 

Source: Faith Food Devotions by Kenneth E. Hagin.
Excerpt permission granted by Faith Library Publications

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